Sunday, November 14, 2010

Henry Doremus House - Michele Filosa

The Henry Doremus House is located in Montville, New Jersey on Route 202.  Build around 1760, the house is made of stone and was where was George Washington and Alexander Hamilton stayed from June 25-June 27, 1780 after the Battle of Springfield during the Revolutionary War.  Washington and his troops were fighting for our nation’s independence. 

When I visited the Henry Doremus House, I couldn’t help but stop and think about the fact that on this very piece of land, in this very house, George Washington and his troops stayed while fighting for our nation’s independence. 


Click the link below to be directed to the full text version of the Declaration of Independence.

Click here for more information on the Henry Doremus House and other Revolutionary War Sites in New Jersey.

1 comment:

  1. What I'm struck by is the sort of quiet around the photos and busy nature of the webpage with the Declaration. I'm sure there must be pages that don't have adds connected to it, but it is striking that on this page the document the people fought over (and died for) is now a way to sell advertising space. What does this say about one of the ways that history is used in this country?
